Health & Safety Training – Face to Face or Online?
Jun 25, 2019 | Occupational Health & Safety, Training | 0 Comments
Health and Safety legislation requires a person who conducts a business or undertaking to inform, train, instruct and supervise workers and other persons as necessary to protect their health and safety from any risk(s) that may arise due to the works undertaken by the...
How to: Carve out a safety system to manage contractors
Jun 24, 2019 | Occupational Health & Safety | 0 Comments
Health and safety legislation requires employers to provide and maintain, so far as reasonably practicable, a safe work environment for all workers, including independent contractors and subcontractors. This article provides a step-by-step approach to implementing an...
Forklift Safety – What are the considerations?
Jun 23, 2019 | Occupational Health & Safety | 0 Comments
The risk associated with the operation of a forklift or industrial forklift truck is significant when we consider its general use (lifting, stacking and transferring of loads) and its role in general traffic movement (internal and external) at a workplace. As always,...
Fitness for Work & Obesity – What are the considerations?
Jun 22, 2019 | Occupational Health & Safety | 0 Comments
Currently in Australia, 63.4% of adults (11.2 million people) aged 18 years and over are considered to be overweight (35.5% or 6.3 million people) or obese (27.9% or 4.9 million people) (ABS 2015). Given these statistics, employers must carefully consider the...
Slips, Trips & Falls – What are the dangers?
Jun 21, 2019 | Hazard & Risk Management | 0 Comments
Slips, trips and falls may seem innocuous in terms of work health and safety risk however, the converse is true. Slips, trips and falls account for a substantial number of workplace incidents across Australia on an annual basis. Slips, trips and falls can occur at the...
Supervisors in manufacturing – 10 key learning outcomes they must know
Jun 20, 2019 | Occupational Health & Safety | 0 Comments
In manufacturing, as in other industries, you should not underestimate the role a supervisor plays in establishing, implementing and overseeing systems that govern health and safety. The supervisor forms the vital link between the strategic direction established by...